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Strike Percussion Ensemble appreciates all the support that we have received over the years. If you would like to donate, please click on the link below.

Strike consists of a chamber group that performs classical and contemporary percussion pieces ranging from three to forty percussionists. Additionally, Strike plays steel band and jazz music as well as some Stomp-like selections. Strike also has the new addition of many Japanese drums and performs some traditional Japanese pieces as well. Strike is now 40 members strong with a feeder middle school percussion ensemble out of Caledonia called Mini-Strike.

In the fall of 1997, aspiring music educator Don Raaymakers assembled six of his private lesson students to form a percussion ensemble. At first they borrowed some instruments to play a few solos and some ensemble pieces. Their first concert was only thirty minutes long. At that time, they did not even have a name. After the ensemble became a non-profit group, Mr. Raaymakers’ teacher, Robert Hohner, dubbed the group Strike.

Strike has been showcased at: Percussive Arts Society International Convention, Michigan Day of Percussion, Grand Rapids Symphony “Percussion Explosion”, Michigan Youth Arts, Grand Rapids festivals, newspaper and television news programs.